What if?
What if we’re living in a simulation? What if the simulation is being run by an alien race or artificial intelligence studying or harvesting us? What if the simulation is being controlled by other human beings like some sort of video game? What if the span of our entire simulated universe takes place within a fraction of a moment in “the real world”? What if we’re just a brain sitting in a pod somewhere hooked up to a computer sending electrical signals to simulate reality? What if we exist within an endless chain of simulations within simulations?
What if we are biological descendants, accidents, or calculated experiments of more advanced beings? What if Earth is some sort of planetary zoo that is periodically visited by these beings? What if these beings have influenced history? What if they are responsible for wiping out the dinosaurs? What if they built, or at least helped build the pyramids and other megalithic architecture? What if angels and gods and miracles and religious myths are the result of human beings interacting with these advanced lifeforms?
What if there is a highly intelligent civilization operating at the bottom of the ocean? What if there are massive prehistoric monsters that still roam its depths?
What if human life first began on Mars or somewhere else in the universe?
What if it is true that the recipe for even the most basic form of single-celled life is incredibly rare? What if we are the highest form of life to exist thus far in the universe? What if life on Earth holds the only forms of life that have or ever will exist?
What if intelligence ultimately leads to self-destruction in most cases? What if there have been many other forms of advanced life throughout the universe, but such civilizations, like us, are just flash bulbs in the darkness? What if the more advanced that a life form becomes, the more dangerous it becomes to its own existence? What if the only true path to long-term survival, the filter to escaping the self-destructive tendency of an increased intellectual capacity, is to turn inward? What if the only advanced forms of life in the universe that survive are those that halt their exploration of the universe and instead turn their focus and resources towards building a digital world by transferring their consciousness into machines and living within a simulated reality, an infinite reality that is largely unhindered by the dangerous nature of space and supernovas and black holes and asteroids and chemicals and climate?
What if ideas are lifeforms?
What if all complex creatures, including humans, are ultimately being controlled by microscopic organisms that influence them from within the body?
What if there is no such thing as free will? What if everything ever to occur has been meticulously designed by a higher force? Or what if everything is completely random and nothing but the result of the infinite mixing of molecules? What if who we are is soley dependent on our chemical structure, environment, and life experiences?
What if their is hidden power lying dormant in the human brain?
What if there is no such thing as consciousness or a soul and when our bodies perish, that’s it? Or what if there is a way to transfer our consciousness? What if there is a way to upload ourselves into artificial bodies or backup our memories?
What if there is a way to travel forwards and backwards in time using wormholes or quantum mechanics or higher dimensions or some other form of technology? What if a time machine was already built, but someone went back in time to stop it from ever happening? What if time is speeding up? What if time is an illusion?
What if there is an afterlife that resides in another dimension and that’s where ghosts, angels, and demons all come from? What if there are beings and forces all around us that we simply cannot see or have yet to evolve to comprehend? What if certain chemical compounds somehow provide glimpses into these higher realms?
What if we keep living the same life over and over again without any recollection of what came before? What if everything has some sort of spiritual life force that is infinitely recycled and there is no such thing as death or destruction? What if there is a way to escape this perpetual rebirth through some sort of transcendence to a higher plane of existence?
What if we are born into another universe after we die?
What if our entire universe exists within a tiny bubble floating around another universe that exists within a tiny bubble floating around another universe and so on? What if there is an infinite amount of universes?
What if black holes lead to other universes?
What if everything ever imagined in the past, present, or future actually exists somewhere in the multiverse because everything is truly infinite?
What if life is just the dream of a higher power? Or our own dream? Or what if our dreams are fragments of past lives or alternate realities? What if dreams are windows into what lies beyond or glitches in the simulation?
What if life, time, and the universe itself is just one continuous loop without a center, beginning, or end? What if traveling far enough into the future would eventually lead to the past? What if traveling far enough into space would eventually lead back to where you started? What if zooming in close enough with a microscope would reveal ourselves looking into the microscope?
What if we are all god? What if we are nothing but pockets of consciousness connected beneath the surface of reality and we’re all just one singular entity experiencing itself subjectively? Or what if we all used to be super advanced god-like beings that eventually became so bored with our omnipotence that we wiped our memories and started everything over from scratch?
What if everything written here is true? What if some of it is?
What if?